EyeOS is an Open Source web desktop operating system written in PHP and AJAX. The main problem of setting up EyeOS is running the sql queries, cause there are several files containing sql commands. To set up EyeOS, you've to edit the settings.php file in mail directory and edit this portion according to your configuration.
define('SQL_CONNECTIONSTRING', 'mysql:dbname=eyeos;host=');
define('SQL_USERNAME', 'user');
define('SQL_PASSWORD', '123456');
you have to write your user name instead of "user" and your desired password will replace "123456".
Open mysql console and create a database named eyeos
Then go to /server directory/eyeos/eyeos/extras and open Calendar.sql from Calendar directory.
Run the queries in mysql console. If error is poped, then its okay, we've to come back to this queries after finishing other queries. Then openEyeosEventsNotification.sql file from EyeosEventsNotification directory.Remember, if any query shows error, don't be nervous, we will run them after executing other queries. Silmilarly run the queries of EyeosPeopleSQL.sql, EyeosTags.sql, EyeosUMSQL.sql, languageAdmin.sql, MailApplicationSQL.sql from EyeosPeopleSQL, EyeosTags, EyeosUMSQL, LanguageAdmin, MailApplicationSQL directories. Now it's time to get back to unexecuted queries of previous files.Run those queries and ready to use the cloud in your PC.
Run the eyeos from server and click on the New User link, register yourself and ready to take the taste of web desktop.
Screen shot of EyeOS